CGI Finland improved competency management and transparent resource management

Customer Story:

CGI Finland

CGI is an international IT consulting services firm operating in several industries. In Finland, CGI has approximately 3,700 employees and handles an enormous number of projects. In order to better manage the employees’ skills and their availability for projects, CGI began to use the Silverbucket project resource management software in 2019.

”With Silverbucket, we wanted to, more than anything, improve transparency in the availability of employees and to make resourcing more transparent throughout the organization,” explains Resource Management Director Tarja Stenberg.

For the most part, employees are independently responsible for keeping their project allocation and skills up to date. In the resourcing management software, they also have an opportunity to express their interest in job rotation.

Silverbucket has been praised for its visuality and user-friendliness and the fact that the software makes it easy to locate available individuals with the required skills to work on projects. Additionally, the software allows the employers to easily observe the availability of their team members, which makes reacting to things such as overload and underload easier.

Moreover, Silverbucket is an important tool in terms of reporting and forecasting. To CGI, measurements such as utilization rate and bill rate are especially important, and they are monitored on all levels of the organization. “With the help of reliable predictions, we can react to situations in advance and avoid surprises,” says Tarja Stenberg.

In summer 2021, Silverbucket will be used in Poland and the Baltics, as well, after which 4,000 CGI employees will be working with Silverbucket. Tarja Stenberg concludes: “

This allows us to have an improved understanding of the resourcing situation and to enhance transparency throughout the organization.”

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